Bring on the Night

Sax n' Piano

I’m pleased to announce that the above photo that I shot (at Club Deluxe last December) has been selected as a top ten finalist in 7x7 Magazine’s Bring on the Night Photography contest!

The top ten photographs will be featured in the November issue of the magazine (which, as you can see, has an "After Dark" theme). The issue should be out any day now... so keep an eye out for it!

Prints of the top 25 photos are being auctioned off to benefit SF Camerawork, a “non-profit organization encouraging emerging and mid-career artists to explore new directions in photography and related media by fostering creative forms of expression that push existing boundaries”.

Congrats also go to Derek, who I noticed was also on the list of top ten photos for this contest as well!

I’m excited that my photography is slowly making its way into the public eye. I’m even more proud that I’ve been forgiving enough to myself and to my artwork that I feel comfortable in submitting my photography to these kinds of things. Self-criticism is a hard to thing to overcome.

How to Feel Miserable as an Artist

I forgot how I found this, but it’s been posted in my line of sight on my cubicle wall:

How to Feel Miserable as an Artist
  1. Constantly compare yourself to other artists.
  2. Talk to your family about what you do and expect them to cheer you on.
  3. Base the success of your entire career on one project
  4. Stick with what you know.
  5. Undervalue your expertise.
  6. Let money dictate what you do.
  7. Bow to societal pressures.
  8. Only do work that your family would love.
  9. Do whatever the client/customer/gallery owner/patron/investor asks.
  10. Set unachievable/overwhelming goals. To be accomplished by tomorrow.

I do a lot of these things frequently, but remember this list to snap me back into proper form within reasonable time. It’s all quite good advice.